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 1. Mark Dunton  Army Officers Commissions  The National Archives Podcast Series 
 2. 1987-1118#12-BATTLE-(7687)LV  The Two Commissions  Lee Vayle Sermons 
 3. Dr. Ed Stetzer  Commissions of Jesus  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 4. Dr. Ed Stetzer  Commissions of Jesus  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 5. David Rittgers  Obama Revives Commissions for Detainees  Cato Daily Podcast 
 6. Major General John D. Altenburg  Shades of Gray: Military Commissions and the Rule of Law  Carnegie Council Program 
 7. Ira Krakow  How Does the Military Commissions Act of 2006 Challenge the Constitution?  The United States Constitution 
 8. Barry R. Kantz & Lorene Romero  207 - Protecting Your Valuable Time and Locking in Commissions  The Home Based Travel Agent Show 
 9. Heather Wokusch  Interview with 1340 WHAT AM's Albert Butler on the Military Commissions Act  Interviews 
 10. Bj�rk  Army of Me [Army of Klaus Remix]  Army of Me: Remixes and Covers 
 11. U.S. Military Acadamy Band  Army Song (The Army Goes Rolli   
 12. David Monte Cristo  The Officers  RODINA 
 13. Eli Goldblatt  Officers' Quarters  Reading at the KWH 4/20/99 
 14. Eli Goldblatt  Officers' Quarters  Reading at the KWH 4/20/99 
 15. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf  The Sustaining of Church Officers  2008 April General Conference - English 
 16. Thomas S. Monson  The Sustaining of Church Officers  April 2006 General Conference: Saturday Afternoon Session 
 17. Thomas S. Monson  The Sustaining of Church Officers  April 2006 General Conference: Saturday Afternoon Session 
 18. Thomas S. Monson  The Sustaining of Church Officers  April 2006 General Conference: Saturday Afternoon Session 
 19. Thomas S. Monson  The Sustaining of Church Officers  April 2006 General Conference: Saturday Afternoon Session 
 20. The Full Armor of God  1 Timothy 3 - Officers in the Church  The Full Armor of God 
 21. Thomas S. Monson  The Sustaining of Church Officers  April 2006 General Conference: Saturday Afternoon Session 
 22. Thomas S. Monson  The Sustaining of Church Officers  April 2006 General Conference: Saturday Afternoon Session 
 23. President Thomas S. Monson  The Sustaining of Church Officers  Oct 2006 General Conference: Saturday Afternoon Session 
 24. President Thomas S. Monson  The Sustaining of Church Officers  2007 April General Conference: Saturday Morning Session 
 25. Thomas S. Monson  The Sustaining of Church Officers  April 2006 General Conference: Saturday Afternoon Session 
 26. Thomas S. Monson  The Sustaining of Church Officers  April 2006 General Conference: Saturday Afternoon Session 
 27. Thomas S. Monson  The Sustaining of Church Officers  April 2006 General Conference: Saturday Afternoon Session 
 28. Thomas S. Monson  The Sustaining of Church Officers  April 2006 General Conference: Saturday Afternoon Session 
 29. Thomas S. Monson  The Sustaining of Church Officers  April 2006 General Conference: Saturday Afternoon Session 
 30. William Boni, Motorola  Chief Security Officers  EDUCAUSE Conferences 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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